Billing & Shipping address: 3rd km Koropiou-Varis, 19400 Koropi, Greece

Google Maps address: 101 Leoforo Evelpidon, 19400 Koropi, Greece

Tel: +30 210 6021630

Fax: +30 210 6620514

General Info: administration@hellenicinstruments.com

Support Inquiries: support@hellenicinstruments.com

Sales: sales@hellenicinstruments.com

Price and product request form

Make your enquiry in the form below. We normally reply all enquiries within 24 hours. Please specify in details what product / solution you are looking for.

Your immediate response to Defense needs

Ceritfied according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 9001:2008

Cost-effective solutions for demanding customers

After-sales technical support and service

MIL-STD testing on all military products

Fully customized products to fit your needs